Monday, February 21, 2011

Do Women Wear Mens Jockstraps

Incredible! Italians awoke at last, and following the example of the Egyptians, Tunisians, Libyans, etc.. take to the streets against the regime! What

is obviously not true, it is Scenes of contesting the Roma fans to its players, managers and technical staff (they are fresh for the resignation of Rainier). Now, I love football, I like to look at it and practice it, but I think it is ridiculous that in a moment like this when you're really making history (with a capital S) and the people take to the streets to overthrow the tyrants, calling for democracy and rights, the Italians sleep. And have the strength and feel the need to "take to the streets" for trivial matters such as football, a team of indignation because of spoiled millionaires playing against his coach (who has her beautiful shot) and you replace four incredibly Goals from Genoa, and instead show indifferent the spectacle of a Prime Minister who buys parliamentarians to keep alive artificially the most inept government of republican history, announcing a kind of coup general indifference (the Constitutional Court is the last bastion left in its power), which Gaddafi against his friend who is literally slaughtering his countrymen in revolt against him said that "we must not disturb him." I like football, but all this, excuse me, makes me sick.


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