Thursday, December 6, 2007

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Incredible: ionized shirts! Poetry for Christmas

Farewell pasticconi magic potions.
The last frontier of doping, and this time at least for now, however, legalized
meshes are "ionized". Yes, because according to studies carried out by
Professor Mike Caine, head of technology and innovation
sport at Loughborough, the new T-shirts because it guarantees a "small but significant improvement
during intense physical activity."
In particular, explained Professor Caine was detected
performance increase of 2.7%. Whether this will lead
a real improvement in the field, for example the possibility of
kick the ball harder, this is yet to be tested.

TESTER - Meanwhile, not knowing how to read or write, someone has already taken
good for the first data and relied on "IonX.
not have to test it withdrew in rugby in South Africa, Australia and Scotland.
in swimming was to test the ionization Torpe Ian with his costume
to "shark skin". As for football, however, the precursor
was Portsmouth, which has secured the exclusive of the new jerseys and
ban so that other clubs can adopt them
Premier League.

REGULARITY '- So much was enough, of course, to alarm the other teams,
who asked to assess the regularity of IonX "and, in particular,
the possibility that they can be considered as doping. The answer, so far, is
was negative: "There are no scientific publications that show that this material
increases the performance of athletes, and since this
technology does not contain prohibited substances, can not be regarded as a method to prevent

HISTORICAL BACKGROUND - The exploitation of the ions in the new sport, is a
novelty. Something like this was in fact used
before and during World War II to increase the level of supervision of
fighter pilots, both in suits
used in clean-up operation after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.


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