Friday, February 25, 2011

What Happens When You Inject Meth

Embers at the Festival Internacional de la Imagen.

to l International Image Festival.
The International Image Festival, conducted by the Department of Visual Design at the University of Caldas in Manizales - Colombia, is a meeting and discussion on topics related to visual design, electronic arts, the digital audiovisual creation, digital sound and electro, and in general, new relationships between art, design, science and technology.

This festival takes place since 1997 and is considered an event of international importance, considering that is unique in Latin America proposed by the generating a space for discussion in these areas, through face meetings, specialized scientific seminars, national and international calls, discussion forums, concerts, workshops, exhibitions and Webcasts, among others.

2011 will perform the X version of the International Image Festival from 12 to 16 April.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sample Ofyear End Speech By Ceo


seems to me that actually there is much to explain .... diagram is taken from Create4fun Ch # 08, while the theme and tone are Penny black saturday # 139.
I have a few cards ... and match different cuts becomes more difficult!

Do Women Wear Mens Jockstraps

Incredible! Italians awoke at last, and following the example of the Egyptians, Tunisians, Libyans, etc.. take to the streets against the regime! What

is obviously not true, it is Scenes of contesting the Roma fans to its players, managers and technical staff (they are fresh for the resignation of Rainier). Now, I love football, I like to look at it and practice it, but I think it is ridiculous that in a moment like this when you're really making history (with a capital S) and the people take to the streets to overthrow the tyrants, calling for democracy and rights, the Italians sleep. And have the strength and feel the need to "take to the streets" for trivial matters such as football, a team of indignation because of spoiled millionaires playing against his coach (who has her beautiful shot) and you replace four incredibly Goals from Genoa, and instead show indifferent the spectacle of a Prime Minister who buys parliamentarians to keep alive artificially the most inept government of republican history, announcing a kind of coup general indifference (the Constitutional Court is the last bastion left in its power), which Gaddafi against his friend who is literally slaughtering his countrymen in revolt against him said that "we must not disturb him." I like football, but all this, excuse me, makes me sick.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Amtrak Train Simulator Games Online


I'm back here with two jobs fast fast ....
my ATC Scrapbookingitalia ... is the letter D = Dance ... makes the idea right? and then my bottle (affectionately dubbed "Molotov luxury") altered IOS ...
before (contained paper flowers)
after the technique is the same as the box of cigarettes, but there are two drawbacks: the stamps on the glass slide and then I failed to embossed and even the paint crackle slips and then thickened in some places and does not crack!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Jock Strap Under Bathing Suit


is a goal in my opinion one of the most incredible produced by Lion King at the time of its greatest form in the Italian league, where, with averages from a goal per game, led Fiorentina to the Trap maramaldeggiare emblazoned on golf in Europe and in Italy, was a formidable competitor to squads like AC Milan and Lazio (the one that strong then win the championship). Unforgettable also his original way of cheering, tugging the corner flag or mimicking a machine gun, for the joy of peace. Waving, AMISCO that gollasso, as would Altafini. Despite the distance from the door is about five meters, it's incredible violence and the accuracy of the shot, he can identify with Batigol its the only glimmer free in a forest of legs, body and head (to admire the courage of the players in barrier, especially those who, with contempt of danger, do not consider it necessary to cover their private parts). The natural harbor has not seen even guess from the lightning bolt in question.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Lotta Topp /wikipedia

This post is a bit long more for the photos.
begin to show you a card I made for Challenge up your Life # 36 tone on tone following the scheme Friday Sketchers # 141 and using some flowers printed Saturday Challenge # 121 Then on Scrapbookingitalia asking for a mini album ... well, my mini is not much, is still incomplete because it is a kind of diary (sorry if I covered faces and written ... but I prefer it), but I respected more or less all the constraints.
I made with yellow envelopes from shipping and other photos are contained in pockets or memorable (it was impossible to photograph everything!)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Stewie Griffin Decirations

Wesley Sneijder's masterpiece against Austria

The great goal of non-gold ball of Inter against Austria. Technique, speed and ruthlessness that, a touch of madness typical of the true champion. If the Messiah to return the gold ball on the ground that he had earned by winning almost everything that was possible to win, it would make a really nice gesture.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sony Dvd Player Dvp-sr200p Setup

Embers at Embers

Embers proiettato sarĂ  nella sezione Digid (Dedicated alla alla sperimentazione in digital and video dance) at the Festival Elsewhere in Milan looks 4 to 21 March 2011.

female director at The International Festival Looks Elsewhere, now in its sixteenth year, has as its primary goal the reflection on issues related to women (in a perspective of comparison with the male universe), which declined in a cultural context, political and social aims at the international level and also as a place for intercultural dialogue and critical engagement with cinema "other."
Looks Elsewhere always turns his attention towards cinema from countries and cultures, promoting, in particular, the circulation of those works that while difficulties are of good quality to enter the commercial circuit.
The festival is divided into three competitive sections - New Looks (international competition films) look (s) confined competition (Italian cinema), Women Told (International Documentary Competition) - and non-competitive in many sections, including Glances Cross, dedicated to the Italian documentary and short film and Conflicts: set of war, documenting the conflict in the world.
since 2007 are also selected works directed by men, which, however, can not participate in the competitive sections, which remain strictly a female director. A decision reached in the belief that the confrontation and dialogue between "worlds" different provide an opportunity for growth in civil society.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Pokemon Emerald 386 Rom On Iphone


here I am again ....
to begin with I'll show you my metal box (which contained cigarettes) altered to the challenge of IOS :
Here we see the details: color black acrylic, bronze and silver, then a little embossing powder to orange and the crackle that has highlighted much of the grain that I like!
Then double-LO because I have to finish the famous 2009 album of Clare, in fact, I have had the same two pages ... but a little amount, I liked the pattern! With this double LO participate in Scrap That baby with "Funny Faces" using a pattern that I can not remember where I found .... oh well update this post if I find him!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Best Quotes From South Park

Clamorous, Felipe Melo insulting the referee Morganti on Facebook for the gigantic failure arbitration against Juve, now in terminal crisis

difficult to think that the deep crisis in which it now pays the team is Juventus be attributed to a class arbitration gombloddo orchestrated by Inter as spiritual leaders with Guido Rossi and Massimo Moratti. It is undeniable, however, which lately has been penalized Juventus in many decisions, rather questionable, and that players are not protected as Krasic (as the jargon) as perhaps they deserve and have the impression that the opponents can now bludgeoned at will in 'indifference of the former black blazers. Download all the blame on the referees, however, as it did Delneri after yet another humiliation from the perspective of the game, the one with Palermo, is not the solution to problems. Even Felipe Melo (negative character in the last world) has an outlet to let go facebook on your account. According to leaders Juventus, however, the sentence would not have been done by the Brazilian player, but was the work of a hacker who managed to enter in your MSN Melo (with which you live also can update your Facebook profile) and would give vent to an opinion that probably the player agrees, but he would never reported publicly since the ban of society make statements. Frankly, this smacks of an excuse not credible, it would be nice to everyone, like a good little person matures, you assume responsibility for their utterances, even when they are a bit 'over the top (in football you could also leave go a bit 'more ... think of the pre-match declarations in USA basketball or wrestling) (and then it should be noted that Felipe Melo had written "Morgano", not Morgan, then maybe you would not have been disqualified ... ^ ^)